Bonus worthy work
Citibase provide serviced shared offices, with modern workspaces and a pretty cool team to boot. But they knew how competitive the market was, and they wanted to get out in front. With a recommendation from Newable, we sent the big dog (Ross) in to have a look at stuff.
Knowing your true potential in any market-place, and creating a kick-ass strategy to match, requires in-depth research. We checked out Citibase’s users to find out who they really were, and how they found Citibase (and what they need to find when they get there). Or filter out the irrelevant ones. Then we had a cheeky look at what other key players were doing. Armed with a load of insights, and some neat material to nick off their rivals, we compiled a whopping 200-page report for them to feast their eyes on.
Before we could back off to let them digest our findings, we carried out a mystery shopper review of Citibase and their competitors, before conducting a full audit of their website’s performance. This was one epic piece of research, and it allowed us to make some pretty sexy recommendations.
Fast forward a couple of months, and Citibase were ready to let us strap them into the Bravand Delorean and head for 2020. Designing a sales-optimised website requires another layer of data capture and user insights, to inform the fundamentals of the new structure and layout. Throughout this phase, we got cracking on interviewing different citibase teams (how the website factored into their day, if the website made their life any easier, and used workshop with centre managers (using the site to get in touch or organise tours, sales funnel was damaged, time wasting, impacting user experience, impact for managers and users and customer feedback), share our final report, and get our design team on the case for the make-over.
Sales-orientated navigation, sleek design, updated visuals. Safe.
We delivered a gleaming-new layout geared towards membership and got to work on their image. It’s not easy to produce a new look without blowing the budget, but we worked with what Citibase already had and breathed new life into old assets. Resulting in a top-notch new website that could sell shared office space to the lone ranger.
What did we do on the build side? Actually, naff all. With Citibase having access to their own in-house team of fantastic developers, they didn’t need us to take care of the ones and zeros. Instead, we uploaded those bad boy pages to Zeplin, exchanged tech notes with Jesse and his team, made sure they were happy and told them to call us if they needed to.
Result then?
Yes! Visit the Citibase website and see for yourself. And our new best friend client Ruth and her team were so chuffed with the goods that they actually gave us a bit of bonus. How’s that for a case study, eh?