Jen's doing our social content shiz

At a time where everyone is sat at their computers, developing and publishing content that will hopefully mean they can ride this thing out, Bravand Limited has gone and hired themselves a freelance content manager.

Jen Tree made it official this week by changing her LinkedIn profile. That said, she has been working with us for the past 2 weeks sorting out case studies, a few bits of news including our recent appointment as digital partner to the marvellous Collection Pot, and building some sort of sensible strategy with which we can stop being utter rubbish at talking about the brilliant work we’ve been up to.

“I’m super pleased that Jen has agreed to join us” says Bravand’s Founder, Jilly Cross, “We are probably one of the biggest cases of cobblers’ shoes in our industry so it’s brilliant we now have an expert to both sort us out, and also help with any content challenges our clients may be facing”.

Like everyone in the team, Jen joins on a freelance basis working on any Bravand projects that require her expertise. Bravand shares her time with Bravand client Make.Work.Space, but we’ve promised to play nice…

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